Offers available if you apply here today. Offers may vary and these offers may not be available in other places where the cards are offered.
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Explore and compare Citi's airline miles credit card offers and apply for a Citi® / AAdvantage® credit card today.
Earn American Airlines AAdvantage® bonus miles after $ in purchases within the first months of account opening.2
+ Earn miles on employee purchases
Expand your earning potential with Authorized User cards for your employees and earn AAdvantage® miles for purchases made on each card.
Earn 2 AAdvantage® miles for every $1 spent at telecommunications merchants, cable and satellite providers, car rental merchants, at gas stations and eligible American Airlines purchases.2
Earn 1 AAdvantage® mile for every $1 spent on all other purchases.2
Each cardmember (primary and employees) earns 1 Loyalty Point for every $1 spent on their business card purchases.2
Earn American Airlines AAdvantage® bonus miles after making $ in purchases within the first months of account opening.2